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Solar Energy



When you install solar panels, you will benefit in two ways. Firstly, you will be helping the environment and secondly,
you will be reducing your energy costs.


Solar energy does not produce harmful emissions, as the process of obtaining solar energy is clean and renewable.
The use of solar power reduces the dependancy on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.


Vance Electrical are fully accredited and will walk you through every aspect of your solar installation, including a full professional and honest assessment of the benefits of your investment.

For more information refer to


Being solar powered, if panels are not seeing any sun their effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Solar power installation requires an optimal sunny roof aspect, ideally not shaded by trees or buildings.

Before any work begins, Vance Electrical will perform a thorough assessment on your site to determine exactly where panels should be located and exactly how many panels can be installed for you to attain maximum benefit.

The assessment is provided in the form of a written report for your consideration and approval. It will also include estimates of power generation and dollar savings.


Depending on power usage and estimated solar power generation abilities, Vance Electrical will advise if it is worthwhile installing a battery to
store energy for later use. Vance Electrical are approved to install on
grid battery systems. Additionally, are accredited to install many battery systems including Sonnen.



Installation is a smooth process once the assessment, planning and approval has been generated. Upon approval, we install the solar panels and install ancillary equipment such as batteries. We finalise the installation with an inspection to ensure your system is safe and functional.

Importantly, Vance Electrical will provide you with a complete walk-though of everything that has been installed and will also provide complete training on all components requiring your interaction.


For more information on Sonnen refer to

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